Preferred Side and Flat Head

Online Physical Therapy exercise program for babies with a preferred side, banana shape or asymmetrical flat head. The program includes side-specific, easy to follow exercises explained in text and shown on video with real babies. The exercises can be used from newborn and until your baby can roll independently from back to tummy.

  • Prioritized, simple exercises
  • Designed for busy families
  • Illustrated with pictures & videos
  • Instant & perpetual access
  • Secure payment with QuickPay
  • English
  • Dansk
  • Deutsch

Available languages

Original price was: 299,00 DKK.Current price is: 254,15 DKK.

(inclusive of all taxes, VAT and fees)

Program description

Developed by Danish pediatric physical therapist Maria Schultz Appelt, this program is for babies who have a preferred side, a banana shape, asymmetrical flat head (plagiocephaly) and/or are asymmetrical in their motor development. The program can be used from newborn and until the baby can independently roll from back to tummy. All exercises have been developed according to current professional standards and best practices and are thoroughly described in text and shown on videos with real babies. All text, images and videos are adapted to the selected preferred side (right or left), so make sure to choose the correct program version (see frequently asked questions).

If you have any questions about the program or are unsure about anything, please send me a message (perhaps including a short video of your baby) via my Instagram @develobaby or email at

Note: if your baby has symmetrical flat head, I recommend that you consider the program Back Arching and Flat Head.

What is a Preferred Side?

A preferred side means that the baby prefers to use one side of the body more, both for motor and sensory tasks. This means that the muscles on the preferred side are easier for the brain to activate and that the baby’s sensory awareness is stronger on that side.

Once a preferred side is established, it will gradually amplify itself, because the other side remains more and more unused. This happens quickly because a baby will always choose the path of least resistance. They will not choose to turn their head to the left if there’s less resistance to the right and if smell, sound, light, etc. is easier to process to the right. It’s a simple “use it or lose it” situation!

The treatment for a preferred side is to strengthen the muscles and senses to the difficult side. This is done over time through daily exercises, all of which you find in this program. It is therefore important that you select the program in the correct version, i.e. choose:

  • to the left for babies with favorite side to the left, i.e. babies who turn their head towards their left shoulder.
  • to the right for babies with favorite side to the right, i.e. babies who turn their head towards their right shoulder.
Preferred Side FAQ

What is a banana shape?

Many babies tilt their head to one side and sometimes also bend their whole body that way. They have what’s often called a “Banana shape”. Some people also call it a C-shape or a one-sided fixed lateral flexion. The side on which the body is shorter determines the baby’s banana shape direction, left or right. There is an entire section in this program with the relevant exercises for treating Banana shape.

Preferred Side FAQ Banana Shape

What is plagiocephaly?

Plagiocephaly is an asymmetrical flattening of the back of the head, which is a very common side effect of preferred side, because the baby lies with the head mostly to one side. The degree to which the skull is flattened varies from baby to baby. Some babies have larger fontanelles (soft spots) and therefore a more malleable skull, while others can have a significant preferred side but not become flat.

If a baby has a preferred side and thus gets more pressure on one side of the skull, it is important to take measures to prevent plagiocephaly. The program also includes exercises and advice both on how to prevent and treat plagiocephaly.

Preferred Side FAQ Plagiocephaly

What is Torticollis?

Torticollis is a more pronounced form of a preferred side in which the muscle on the side of the neck (sternocleidomastoid muscle) is injured. This occurs almost exclusively in babies who are born with a lot of traction (suction cup, cesarean etc.), but it can also occur in breech babies or in babies who had too little space in the womb (big baby, small mum). Torticollis is characterized by a strong tendency to turn the head to one side and tilt it to the opposite side.

The program Preferred Side and Flat Head is very relevant for babies with torticollis because torticollis always results in a preferred side in combination with a banana shape on the opposite side and, as a very frequent consequence of the favorite side, plagiocephaly. Also with torticollis, you should choose the program version according to side your baby prefers to look to (see section What is a favorite side?).

Note: If your baby has severe torticollis, I would recommend that you work with a skilled physical therapist alongside the home exercises in this program. Treating a preferred side with torticollis will take substantially longer than without. Therefore, professional support can be critical for both monitoring and motivational purposes along the way.

Stรฆrk Baby Favoritside FAQ Torticollis

Frequently asked questions to Preferred Side and Flat Head

Treatment for a preferred side consists of strengthening the baby’s muscles and sensory skills to the difficult side. This is done through daily exercises over time. Unfortunately, there’s no quick fix for a preferred side. It is simply not possible to increase muscle strength and sensory awareness with passive treatments alone or with just a couple of hours effort. The exercises need to be done over time (from a week to a few months, depending on the severity).

Before buying the program, make sure you know which side, your baby prefers to look to. This is what determines which side you should buy. Always look from your baby’s perspective when assessing whether your baby’s preferred side is right or left. If your baby prefers to sleep with their head to:

  • their right side, then your baby’s preferred side is right and you should choose right when purchasing the program.
  • their left side, then your baby’s preferred side is left and you should choose left when purchasing the program.

If your baby does not have a preferred side to look to but only has a so-called Banana shape, where the body is bent to one side, you can choose either of the preferred side programs. In both programs you will find two sections for banana shape – one for the right side and one for the left. In the beginning of each of these two sections, you will see a video that shows babies with the particular banana shape of the section.

No, the exercises are general strengthening exercises, but it is important that you order the correct version of the program. If you do exercises every day for the side that is already the strongest, you will obviously make the problem worse. Ask me if you have read the info here and are still not sure which side to choose.

Because I know that many people find it overwhelming to do the exercises in their daily lives, I have organized the exercises in order of priority. The most important exercises are at the top. With targeted exercises that you do as part of all the little things you do with your baby during the day anyway, you can usually break the preferred side pretty quickly and get your baby back on track.

The program is about strength and sensory training that will reteach your baby to use the non-preferred side. The exercises are based on evidence and best practice in the Danish Health care system which is one of the best in the world. However, there are some babies who will need individualized adjustments in addition to the exercise program. This is usually the case if the preferred side is particularly pronounced or if there are special circumstances surrounding the baby. However, strength training for the difficult side is always relevant and will work in the vast majority of cases.

If your baby does not have a preferred side to look to but only has a so-called Banana shape, where the body is bent to one side, you can choose either of the preferred side programs. In both programs you will find two sections for banana shape – one for the right side and one for the left. In the beginning of each of these two sections, you will see a video that shows babies with the particular banana shape of the section.

The skull is malleable as long as the fontanelles are open. For some, they are almost closed by 7-8 months of age, while others still see a clear difference in skull shape with exercises and positioning by 1.5 years of age. It is very difficult to find statistics on this in studies, so there is a lot of different opinions out there. But the fact is that it varies. In my experience, it’s worth working on as long as you start treatment before the age of 9 months. The sooner you start, the more likely it is that the head shape will be completely corrected. As the pressure is removed from the flat side, the body will gradually return to its starting point. But it won’t happen in a day or a week. It takes time.

Unfortunately, it’s a common myth that the shape of the head will eventually correct itself and become round without exercises and positioning. This is only true if there is no longer a preferred side. As long as the preferred side persists, the head will in fact NOT correct itself. Therefore, you must work with the preferred side exercises in conjunction with the positioning advice to be successful.

Yes, there is a section in the program with specific exercises and measures if your baby has plagiocephaly.

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All content on is based on recognized professional standards in Denmark, and you can expect them to be in line with the advice you receive in the public health system. If you find that your child has pronounced sleep or motor challenges, or that there is a lack of effect from the general exercises, I recommend that you make an appointment with me, either in person or online, so that I can customize the program for your child. If your child is unwell, please always contact your health care provider or physician. Read full disclaimer…